Today on The Launch Mission Podcast, we will focus on the issue of athletics after high school. For some high school athletes, they will continue playing in college but for most, graduation will end this major life pursuit. My guest will be Brian Williams, former basketball stat at the University of Alabama and founder of Guard Your Man, a non-profit organization that helps high school athletes prepare for life at the next level.
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Today on The Launch Mission Podcast, we will continue with the second of three college student testimonies for this fall. These college students have found their way through a healthy life transition after high school and set an example for how to thrive in college. My guest today is Brody Peebles, a basketball player and sophomore at Liberty University.
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Five Suggestions As you begin transitioning into the role of Counselor and your child prepares to wrap up high school and step into college, I’d like to give you these suggestions to help you better usher in the Freedom Permit:
1. Begin With A Flow of Open Communication – Opening up the pathway of conversion between you and your graduating senior is crucial in order to understand more about their excitements, fears, concerns, and expectations for college. We see in Deuteronomy 6:6-8 that Moses encourages parents to talk about the law of our loving God, urging them to talk on
While a lot of attention is put on the student’s transition to college, and rightfully so, the parents’ transition during this time can often be overlooked. The truth is a parent goes through many transitions as the child grows through the different stages of life, which I like to call the 5 C’s of Parenting.
The first stage is that of the Caregiver. This is the first stage a parent begins with as a baby is born and grows from infant to toddler. The Caregiver is meeting a child’s basic needs for nourishment, love, and growth in the child’s first
Today on The Launch Mission Podcast, we will focus on the parent’s transition to life after high school. My guest are John and Debbie Schmidt. John is a pastor and they have raised three boys and share their advice and experience for this season of life.
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Earlier this week on the blog, there was a video asking “Who Are You Going As?”
Identity is so important, especially during a life transition. It is important to know who you are before others begin to tell you who they want you to be. Below is a list of verses from Scripture who answer the question and tell you who you are.
Spend some time reading through these verses and if you want to print out a card with these verses, click here.
Today on The Launch Mission Podcast, we will introduce the first of three college student testimonies for this fall. These college students have found their way through a healthy life transition after high school and set an example for how to thrive in college. My guest today is Katina Inglis, a junior at the University of Georgia.
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Today on The Launch Mission Podcast, we will explore life outside of the typical box as we introduce the value of a Gap Year. Our guest today is Josh Beers with the OneLife Institute. Find out who a gap year is for, what can it provide, and what are the benefits of taking this year out of the normal path of high school to college.
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Most teenagers are familiar with the concept of setting and reaching goals, but very few of them have actually experienced the necessity of actually setting and working towards a goal themselves. A student might occasionally set a goal for good grades or a high school athlete might actually set a goal for scoring a goal, but the stakes get much higher once they leave the safety net of home. Helping your teenager understand how to set and reach goals will serve them well as they work towards a career, life-long relationships, and the many opportunities they’ll encounter, beginning in college.