
The Race Audio Devotional Series

Beginning on June 3, The Launch Mission will start a new podcast channel called The Race. The Race is an audio devotional series, written and produced by The Launch Mission founder Tommy McGregor, and will feature a short audio devotional.


The Race (Volume One) is made up of 5 parts:


The Race in the Gospels

The Race in the New Testament

The Race in the Old Testament

The Race in the Psalms

The Race With Paul


Each of the 5 parts will include 5 devotionals.

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This Summer on the Podcast…

This summer on The Launch Mission Podcast we will be highlighting various campus ministries so that you can learn more about the options on most college campuses. All of these organizations are great and all will lead you closer to Jesus, but each does that in their unique ways. This year we will be highlighting:


The Navigators 

Chi Alpha

Young Life College


Campus Outreach

Baptist Student Ministries

RUF (Presbyterian Church of America)

ECM (Episcopal Campus Ministries) 

The Local Church College Ministry


If you want to know more about other college campus ministries, go to season one of The Launch

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Podcast Episode 58 – A Message For The Class of 2024

Today on The Launch Mission Podcast, we released a special episode titled “A Message For The Class of 2024,” featuring my dear friend Michael “Ash” Ashburn.


Ash has dedicated 50 years to working with Young Life and is the most compassionate and sincere communicator I know. He is a gifted storyteller, and I hope everyone takes 20 minutes to listen to his message.


Available on your favorite podcast platform or click the link below! 

Apple Podcast


Google Podcasts

Amazon Music

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Congrats on getting to number five on this list of things to do before college. Have you done them all? If not, go back and catch up. We will wait…


5. Get Acclimated– Chances are you have already been to your college campus to visit &/or for orientation. You may or may not already know your roommate and have a room picked out. Chances are you have your class schedule, but you may not yet know how to get to your classes. Before you start college, getting acclimated to college would be a good idea. For example, get out a


Start Building Community on Campus NOW

When you step foot on your college campus, everything will be new. You will be experiencing a new environment, new schedule, new friends, new level of academics, new responsibilities, and so much more. For most, it can be overwhelming. So what if you could learn about the college campus ministries and local churches now and connect to those communities this summer before the chaos starts this fall?


The 3C App will connect college students on 125 campuses with campus ministries and local churches doing college ministry. Here’s how it will work.


Step 1: Go to this address (

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Now that we are in part four of this five-part series, I think that we have done the harder ones and this tip will be enjoyable and something that you can do for the remaining time you have at home this summer.


4. Learn The Practical Essentials– Living on your own is hard work. You have to be responsible for your time, money, and possessions, and you have to know how to do things that you might not have had to do before. For example, when I moved off to college, I had to learn how to wash my own


Living as an Ambassador in College

Every civilized country sends ambassadors to live in various foreign countries and represent their homeland. In 2 Corinthians 5:20, we are called Christ’s ambassador, “as though God were making his appeal through us.” As an ambassador of Christ, you are being called to live your life worthy of the gospel of Jesus (Philippians 1:27). As hard as it might be at times, you must never forget Who you represent.


Throughout your life, you will represent many things. For instance, I represent my family. I also represent my ministry and a leader in my church and community. You represent your school,

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Living Your Testimony in College

Sometime in your life, you will be asked to “share your story.” This will most likely happen in connection to your faith and, the older you get, the more of a story you will have to tell. Every adult who is asked to share a testimony will include a report of the college-aged years. 


Most of these stories include a childhood/teenage report, a challenge in college, and either continued struggle or recovery as an adult. For example, you might hear someone talk about how they grew up in a Christian home and were involved in the youth group in high

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