
A Special Message to High School Juniors (Class of 2025)

The Launch Mission has historically focused on high school seniors and their journey through their final year of high school, but now we would like to reach out to current juniors (Class of 2025) to begin equipping you for the challenges of life after high school.


This post will present five things that juniors can start doing now to begin preparing.


  1. Pick a School that Matches Your Future, Not Your Past: Many children grow up loving a particular university, wearing the shirts, and cheering for the team. Often, this is a family fan club, and many decide from a young

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Navigating a Clear Vision for College

Imagine for a moment that you met a friend on vacation. This friend lives on the other side of the country than you, where you have never been. Now, let’s say your new friend invites you to come and visit. You decide that you will, and your friend gives you the address for where to go. What do you do now? Chances are, you will get online or on your phone’s GPS and navigate to the destination, but what if you don’t have those options? What if you did not have internet or satellite assistance? What if you didn’t even

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A Mind Map Journey

Hopefully, after reading Tuesday’s blog post, you were able to better define the core values in your life and identify what is most important to you. Now, let’s continue on in understanding God’s plan for your life through your passions and desires. Think of your passions as the GPS guiding you through the twists and turns of the journey into college.  Let’s dive into another exercise from Dennis Stemmle’s book, ‘Purpose, Passion, and College: How to Choose the Right College, Major, and Dream Career!’ and see if we can even connect them to your future dream job.



                                               Exercise 2: Mind

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Exploring Your Passion

At this point of your senior year, you’ve probably wrapped up your college applications and  have carefully chosen the major you plan to declare in your first semester of college. Maybe you’ve been daydreaming about having summers off as a teacher since you turned 12, or perhaps your parents are determined that you becoming a doctor. Could it just be you’re looking for the express lane to graduation? Whatever it is, choosing the perfect major starts with self-thought, reflection, and personal discovery.


Understanding the plan God has for your life and what truly ignites your soul becomes the compass for

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Creating a Personal Mission Statement

If you owned a business or were the CEO of a major corporation, you would have a mission statement. This statement would show your clients and customers who you are by telling them what you believe about yourself and your product. Chick-fil-A, one of my favorite restaurants, has a bold mission statement that clearly represents the founder, Truett Cathy, and his commitment to Christ: ‘To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A.’ Krispy Kreme, another preferred eating establishment of

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Ten Faith Questions To Ask Yourself Before Graduation

As graduation approaches, now is a good time to do a self-evaluation of your faith maturity and begin to think about how you will continue to grow spiritually after high school. To help you do that, here are ten questions that you should ask yourself and answer before graduation.


  1. What have been some of the most important ‘God moments’ of your life, and why would you describe them in that way?

  2. When have you grown the most in your faith since you became a Christian?

  3. What verse would you say is your ‘life verse’ and why?

  4. What has God been

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Resources for Anxiety in College

College life is an exciting and transformative journey, but it can also be challenging, especially when it comes to mental health. The pressure of academics, social transitions, and newfound independence can contribute to anxiety and stress. However, it’s crucial to recognize that help is available, and you are not alone in facing these challenges! In this blog post, we’ll explore resources to support mental health and manage anxiety during your college years.

On-Campus / Off-Campus Counseling Services:

  • Local churches will likely have recommendations for Christian counselors in the area. You don’t need to be a member to ask! Most colleges

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