Last week we started a 5 part series to help you prepare for college. We started with prayer and encouraged you to recruit a team of people that will commit to praying for you regularly while you are in college. Now, it is time to talk finances.
2. Talk Financials– Most likely, starting college will be the first time that you will be on your own financially. Even though the majority of college students still have their parents pay many of their bills, you will be responsible for your day to day financial needs. Before classes start, sit down with your parents and talk about your financial situation. How will you be getting money to live on? Will you be required to get a job or will you get an allowance in college? How will you receive this money (direct deposit into a debit card account, credit card)? Also, it is important to make a budget for how you think you will spend this money. This is a great time in life to learn financial lessons before you get older and the stakes get higher.