Why Knowing How To Explain What You Believe Is Important

In the previous post, you watched an interview with Sean McDowell about his struggle to know if what he believed was true. In this video, you will see him, now one of the leading voices on Christian truth, answer questions to Christian faith challenges one by one as they were posted on TikTok. 


As you watch, I want to make a few things clear. In this video, he does not give a complete explanation, only sharing why the position is invalid. Secondly, you do not have to be as knowledgeable as Sean McDowell to explain the truth. When you are questioned, you can:


  1. Give your best explanation.
  2. Say that you don’t know but will try to find out.
  3. Search for a Sean McDowell video to answer the question (or a little of all 3). 

Be sure to listen to The Launch Mission Podcast this week and next week for parts one and two of an interview with Travis Coblentz, an expert on this topic. He communicates the challenges you might face and how to approach them.