The Launch Pad Blog
Everyone remembers being a young high school student and looking up to the seniors of that day with...
This week’s Podcast episode features a youth ministry roundtable discussion featuring three student...
How would you describe your child’s spiritual level of maturity over the past few years? What have...
The struggles that a teenager faces during this transition is not a college-cultural problem, but...
Three Crucial Conversations: Lastly, these three conversations with your child will help them be...
One of the biggest factors that I have seen in students who struggle with the transition from high...
Today on The Launch Mission Podcast, we will introduce the first of four parts of the Freedom...
Here are a few questions to challenge you to help your senior think positive and focused this year...
Depending on where you look, there is a statistical range for how many Christian students struggle...
When I was in high school, I was like the poster child for a teenage Christian youth group kid. I...