Podcast Episode 73 – A Conversation with a Professor of Psychology

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  • Podcast Episode 73 – A Conversation with a Professor of Psychology

Allison Sligh, a psychology professor, discusses the challenges that college students face when transitioning from high school to college. She highlights the lack of control and unfamiliarity with new environments as major issues. Sligh emphasizes the importance of building a community and finding support systems to navigate these challenges. She also addresses the differences between high school teachers and college professors, emphasizing that college professors are experts in their fields and expect students to take more responsibility for their learning. Sligh provides advice for high school seniors, including learning life skills and familiarizing themselves with their college campuses.


Questions to consider while listening: 

  • How can you start building a community and finding support systems now to help ease your transition into college life?
  • What strategies can you use to take more responsibility for your learning, knowing that college professors expect greater independence from students?
  • What life skills, such as cooking or managing time, can you begin developing to feel more prepared for the new challenges of college?

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