Bound To Change

Life is all about change. Sometimes that change is positive, and other times it is not, but the only constant is that change is inevitable.


Any life transition you go through will bring about differences between your life before and your life now. The transition from high school to college is no different. Regardless of whether you are going to a big school or a small one, a school in your hometown, or one halfway across the country, there is no doubt that things are about to change.


Over the next four weeks on The Launch Mission Podcast & Blog, we will be looking at the differences between high school and college. The four main differences that we will highlight are social, spiritual, academic, and emotional.


When you think about the differences between high school and college, which ones are the most significant to you? Which ones are you most excited about, and which ones are you most nervous about?


Over the years, I have spoken with thousands of high school seniors who are exactly where you are now. To start, I would always ask these two questions: What are you most excited about for college, and what are you most nervous about? For the exciting examples, I would always get answers like new friends, living away from home, freedom. But then, the answers to the nervous questions always sounded similar: new friends, living away from home, freedom.


The truth is that change is both exciting and nerve-racking. We want it, but it also brings up some unsure feelings of doubt. So, as you listen to the podcast and think about your upcoming change, rest assured that 1) you are not the only one feeling this way, 2) change is a normal part of life, and good things await you on the other side, and 3) The Lord is with you always.