Preparing Emotionally for College

Preparing for college is an ongoing process, throughout the senior year and after graduation. Most students prepare by buying new things for the dorm room, many think about finding new friends, and some might even learn some new study skills. Over the past few weeks on The Launch Mission Podcast and Blog, we have looked at the differences between high school and college in three major parts: socially, spiritually, and academically. This week we are addressing the emotional differences, which might be easy for some and more challenging for others.


Statistics show that over 50% of incoming college students suffer from, at least, a moderate emotional challenge in college. This is expected, especially for those who have moved away from home for the first time. There will be a variety of potential emotional challenges in college and the more you can prepare now the better.


Here are 5 steps to take now to prepare yourself for these emotional challenges in college.


  1. Plan to stay connected with a close friend or mentor when you leave for college. This friend may be at another school and this mentor may still be in your hometown but have someone that you know will pick up the phone when you call to talk.
  2. Buy a devotional book or start a Bible reading plan to be in God’s Word regularly now in hopes that you can continue the habit of reading your Bible when you move away and need to hear God’s voice the most.
  3. Look for Christian community on your college campus now and do some research so that you have a plan to find Christian community early in your freshman year.
  4. Remember that God is always with you and He will never leave your side. No matter what you do or how hard things get. He will be there with you in your best times and hard moments.
  5. Memorize Isaiah 41:10 and let it guide you each day in college: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”