Change Brings Challenges

Welcome back to the blog! This week’s podcast is one you really don’t want to miss (ladies especially). We are joined by Hanna Seymour, author of “The College Girl’s Survival Guide.” For 10 years, Hanna has mentored young women, helping them transition from high school to college. Through her blog platform, she offered a space for these women to seek advice, providing honest and encouraging answers to their questions. Over time, Hanna noticed a common thread among these inquiries, leading her to compile them into her book. “The College Girl’s Survival Guide” offers 52 honest and faith-filled responses to the biggest concerns shared by young women navigating the college experience. I really wish I had this book when I was in your shoes! 


Let’s talk about the introduction to this book because it sets the stage for everything. Hanna starts off by challenging the idea that college is automatically the best four years of your life. Sure, there are going to be incredible moments, lifelong friends, and memories you’ll treasure forever. But let’s be real – there are also going to be tough times, especially at the beginning when everything feels new and overwhelming.


Hanna reminds us that even though we might be excited about heading off to college, change is still hard. We’ve all been there before, right? Starting your first job, moving to a new city, or dealing with family changes, like a divorce, transitions are tough for everyone. And what makes college different is that this change is something we’re choosing, not something that’s happening to us.


If you’re feeling nervous or unsure about what lies ahead, just know that you are not alone. Thousands of other girls have been exactly where you are, feeling the same mix of excitement and anxiety. And that’s where “The College Girl’s Survival Guide” comes in – it’s like having a trusted friend who’s been through it all before, offering advice and encouragement every step of the way.


So, as you embark on this incredible journey, remember that it’s okay to feel scared or overwhelmed. But also know that you have the power to navigate this adventure with grace and resilience. 


To give you a bit of a preview, let’s walk through one of the concerns in the book and how Hanna answered it: 


What is the number one thing I should focus on in my freshman year?


If this is a question that has crossed your mind– good for you for wanting to live your life with intention. (Claps!) As Hanna states, there are so many plausible answers to this question… I’m sure if you ask your parents, your teachers, and your coach this question, all of their answers will vary. Whether it’s time management, organization, learning new study habits, choosing a major, getting involved, etc. All of which are very important things! However, Hanna argues that the most important thing to focus on in your first semester is finding great friends. (Parents, I promise Hanna has a great point here.) It is very, very likely that if you choose to surround yourself with people who get their homework done, study, and go to class, you will do that too. Or, if you surround yourself with people who skip class, forget assignments, and stay up all night, you will do that instead. “The friends you choose to surround yourself with will determine the course of your life.” 


I challenge you to consider this advice from Hanna and how the people around you do or do not influence you! 


Next week, we’ll dive into more topics Hanna Seymour discusses in her book “The College Girl’s Survival Guide.”