Using Your Influence for Good

As you prepare to step out of high school and into a new chapter of life, it’s essential to realize that you have an incredible opportunity to influence the world around you. Influence isn’t just for celebrities or people in leadership roles. Every person, including you, has the ability to impact those around them—whether it’s your friends, classmates, or even your online community. The key is to recognize this power and use it for good.


1. Step Into What’s Already Happening There’s a common misconception that you need a huge platform or a groundbreaking idea to make a difference. In reality, meaningful change often starts by simply joining in with what’s already happening around you. There are plenty of organizations, groups, and causes that are already doing incredible work. All you need to do is look around, raise your hand, and say, “How can I help?” By stepping into these spaces, you align yourself with a greater purpose and start contributing to something bigger than yourself.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You just need to find where your passions and strengths intersect with the needs in your community. Whether it’s volunteering locally, supporting a cause online, or helping out in your school, small actions can lead to big impact. Your influence grows when you actively participate in the work that’s already underway.


2. Know Your Strengths and Embrace Them One of the most important things you can do as you enter this next phase of life is to understand and embrace your unique strengths. You’ve been given specific gifts, talents, and passions for a reason—use them! Not everyone is meant to do the same thing, and that’s what makes your contribution so valuable.

Take some time to reflect on what you’re naturally good at and what excites you. Is it leadership? Creativity? Compassion? Maybe you’re great at organizing events or encouraging others. Whatever it is, lean into it. These strengths are clues to how you can best influence those around you. And remember, you don’t have to have all the answers right away. Simply start by using the gifts you already have to serve those around you, and over time, your path will become clearer.


3. Surround Yourself with the Right Community No one succeeds alone, and the people you choose to surround yourself with will have a massive impact on your ability to influence others. Finding the right community is crucial. Look for people who are not only supportive but also challenge you to grow and stay true to your values. These are the people who will hold you accountable, encourage you when you’re struggling, and celebrate your victories.

It’s easy to fall into the wrong crowd, especially when trying to fit in or make new friends. But remember, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Make sure those people are pushing you toward positive growth and encouraging you to use your influence for good. Whether it’s a campus ministry, a local church, or simply a group of like-minded friends, find a community that aligns with your goals and values.

At the end of the day, your influence isn’t just about what you accomplish—it’s about how you make others feel and the impact you leave on the world. Step into this next chapter with intention, knowing that you have the power to use your influence for something meaningful.