Podcast Episode 50 – College Student Testimony: Olivia Essary
In this episode, Olivia Essary shares her testimony and her experience transitioning from high school to college. For her, joining a small group as a sophomore and embracing vulnerability and accountability changed the trajectory of her faith. Olivia encourages those listening to really slow down and read the Bible, and…
Giving A Defense For The Reason
Below are links to video clips, provided by Impact 360, to help you learn more about how to answer challenging questions on the Christian faith as they relate to culture, science, and other religions. Bible & Theology Why does theology matter? Is Jesus the Only Way to God? Did…
Understanding Apologetics
This week on the podcast, we have released part two of our conversation with Dr. Travis Coblentz on the importance of Apologetics in the Christian faith as a college student. If you have not listened to those episodes, be sure you do and allow them to challenge you in your…
Podcast Episode 49 – The “Why” Of Apologetics (Part Two)
Dr. Travis Coblentz continues the conversation by explaining what apologetics is and how it can help believers understand their own doubts and questions, providing answers to the “why” regarding scripture. Later in the episode, Dr. Coblentz addresses some common questions and doubts that students might encounter in college from their…
Why Knowing How To Explain What You Believe Is Important
In the previous post, you watched an interview with Sean McDowell about his struggle to know if what he believed was true. In this video, you will see him, now one of the leading voices on Christian truth, answer questions to Christian faith challenges one by one as they were…
Why Knowing What You Believe Is Important
Think about a hobby, interest, or talent you know the most about. Now, think about all the things you know about it. Let’s say it is basketball since it is March, and the Madness is about to happen. As an example, you love basketball, you play it at school, and…
Podcast Episode 48 – The “What” Of Apologetics (Part One)
In this episode, Dr. Travis Coblentz begins the conversation by discussing the different voices students might encounter on college campuses that will challenge their faith and clash with scripture. He emphasizes how crucial it is for believers to ensure their identity is firmly rooted in Christ and to find confidence…
Evaluating Personal Leadership Traits for Success
As high school graduation quickly approaches, it’s time to think about more than just tossing caps and gowns. Before stepping into college, it’s smart to reflect on what sets great leaders apart and where you stand on those traits. In this blog, use the 12 Habits described in William Vanderbloemen’s…
Standing Out: Leadership Qualities That Set You Apart
Unicorns are real. Yep, you read that right. Not the white-haired, rainbow-maned, and pointed-horn kind you’re likely picturing. Though real unicorns are just as elusive, rare, and highly desirable. We’re talking about unicorn employees. When it comes to leadership, there exists a common myth that great leaders are only born,…